Legend says the domesticated house cat was created by beings from the Sirius A star system. They combined the energetics of a high-astral level cat-like being called the Ari with the DNA of human and lions. The purpose of the cat was to spy on humans. In Ancient Egypt, every household was given a cat. At night, the cat would sneak off to report to their alien controllers. And that’s why even today the cat instinctively wants to go out at night, although it no longer has anyone to report to. Hmmm. I wonder what my cats would say about me?
Underneath Lake Titicaca are two cities. One is directly on the bottom of the Lake, and the other is a subterranean city. At night, if you look directly at the Lake you’ll see lights, like fast moving vehicles, under the water.
In the Andes, weird things happen to people.
Stewart continues with his story of Bolivia: Later that night, back in the City (La Paz), I was in my hotel room. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw at my window, inside my room, a woman with a cat-like face. She pointed outside the window, and then disappeared. The next day, the archeologist stopped by my room and told me a story about some European back-packers who had gone up to the Andes. One of the travelers went behind a rock to relieve himself. Suddenly an apparition of a head & torso of a woman with a cat-like face appeared. It is believed these beings come from under the lakes and mountains of the Andes.
In the Andes Mountains, Peru, some where between 15,000 to 20,000 feet elevation, a German mountain climber found a 11-year boy frozen in the snow. He thought the child was lost and he lifted him in his arms and carried him down to a cave where he was camping for the night.
In the cave, the child began to defrost, and as he thawed a drop of blood came out of his ear, indicating he was still alive and breathing. But, unfortunately, the elevation drop and the sudden and rapid unfreezing of the body resulted in the child’s death.
That child was an Inca who had been up in the mountains for several hundred years. And since then, three other Inca children in the Andes region had been found in the same condition. The Incas had put them in a state of suspended animation for all those years to be guardians, or an energetic anchor, for that particular location.
In South America, there are so many secrets yet to be revealed.