Christmas Muse

Growing up, my father would wait until Christmas Eve to put the tree up. Everybody I knew had their tree up and decorated a week or two before Christmas. Why my father would wait until the last minute, I don’t know. He was brought up Southern Methodist, but when he met my mother he converted to the Anglican Church. I think he didn’t like the commerialization of Christmas. To him, it was a Holy day. After we put the tree up, my father would have the family sit around the tree, turn the colorful bulbs on, and he would read the Nativity story from the Bible.

Every Christmas I would beg my mother for a Barbie doll. But I wasn’t allowed to have one. My father forbid it. Finally, at the age of 11, I got my first Barbie doll. The following year, I grew out of dolls.

My family would have Christmas dinner at my father’s parents house. I liked visiting my grandparents home in Kentucky, especially in the winter. It was warm and cozy with a fire roaring in the fireplace. Lawrene Welk would be playing on the TV. They had an artifical Christmas tree that was silver aluminum with blue lights. I could never understand a fake tree. We always got a real tree. After a week or two, it would always dry out and fir needles would fall making a mess. It was always sad to see it dumped on the curb, silver tinsel clinging like a tattered reminder that it was once a Christmas tree.

One Day In America

The producers of this National Geographic documentary used my book “The First Responders” to put together the NYPD ESU response to 9/11. Picked my brains, grabbed my sources, got no credit.

It was produced for the 20th anniversary of the attack. It aired in 6-parts. I didn’t watch it. I never watch 9/11 documentaries, or anything pertaining to it. It’s a bad memory.

And Children Shall Lead?

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
~ Isiah 3:12

In other words: A Nation that is ruled by children and women is cursed.

Let it be…please

I was a kid when the Beatles were popular. When I was twelve, I got for Christmas both The Beatles’ “Sgt Pepper” and the Rolling Stones “Banquet for the Devil” albums. My father, a devout Christian, took one look at the art on the album covers and angrily said, “This is satanic.”

A few years later, I got the Beatles’ “Magical Mystery Tour” album. I hated the songs so much I took a knife and scratched the vinyl to pieces.

Beatles songs always sounded like evil carnival music to me, like something out of that 1962 horror film “Carnival of Souls.”

Yup. Dad was right. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones are satanic.

“Yellow Submarine” would be a perfect film score for this movie.

Bear To The Rescue

Last week in North Carolina, a 3-year-old boy wanders off from his grandmother’s backyard. He gets lost. A search party goes out to look for him, but they can’t find him. Two days later, the little boy suddenly shows up. He is found about 90 yards away from his home. He is in good health, no frost bite, no hyperthermia, even though the child spent two nights in 19F degree weather. The little boy tells a tale of a bear protecting him and keeping him warm.

That’s an extraordinary story. Do bears really do things like that? Well, according to social media yes, they do.  And typical of animal lovers most began to anthropomorphize the bear. One person on Facebook even cited a book “The Bear That Heard Crying” by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock, Helen Kinsey. The book description is “A fictionalized retelling of the true story of three-year-old Sarah Whitcher, who, in 1783, became lost in the woods of New Hampshire and was protected by a bear until her rescue four days later.”

Well, that was a long time ago.

The 3-year-old boy who spent two days lost in the woods of eastern North Carolina tells his family he “hung out with a bear” for companionship while hundreds of people searched frantically in cold and rainy weather to find him.

His aunt, Breanna Hathaway, shared that revelation on Facebook Friday morning, adding that Casey “is healthy, smiling, and talking” after being found late Thursday night. The post has gotten more than 500 comments and 2,100 shares through the day.

“He said he hung out with a bear for two days,” she posted. “God sent him a friend to keep him safe. God is (a) good God. Miracles do happen.”

I did a little more digging into the story. What I found on social media were the locals who know the family. They speculated that a mentally disabled man named Bear who lives near the boy’s family may be “the bear” the child is referring to. “Show the boy a picture of a bear and a picture of the man named Bear and let’s see who the boy picks out,” says one poster.

Good idea. Perhaps, the police have thought of that. But, whatever the case, there’s more to this story than a wild bear snuggling a human child warm on those cold, rainy nights.

Nexx Banned

It turns out that Netflix was lying.

A few months ago I was blocked from posting film and TV reviews on Netflix. They informed me on my account that they were stopping reviews from the public because of “a lack of interest.” They also claimed that they stopped reviews in mid-July 2018. Well, here it is 6 months later, December, and I still see hundreds of reviews on recently released films posted all over Netflix.

The truth of the matter is: They didn’t like my politically incorrect criticism of the crappy films and Netflix specials that I unfortunately watched. I’m sure I got flagged from the SJWs. OK. Fine. Be honest. Don’t lie to me so that you can keep taking my money.

Well, they’re not getting my money no ‘mo. I cancelled my account.

If you’re smart you’d cancel your account too. Why would you want to support a bunch of people who produce degenerate TV series like their new show “Baby”?

A new Netflix series is being slammed by The National Center on Sexual Exploitation, which is accusing the series of promoting sex trafficking.

The series, Baby, which begins streaming Friday, is described as exploring “the unseen lives of Roman high schoolers. Loosely inspired by a true story, the series follows a group of Parioli teenagers as they defy society in their search for identity and independence against the backdrop of forbidden love, family pressures, and shared secrets.”

But the organization says the show “portrays a group of teenagers entering into prostitution as a glamorized ‘coming-of-age’ story” and notes that in the real-life scandal that Baby is based on, “the mother of one of the teenagers was arrested for sex trafficking.”

“Despite being at ground zero of the #MeToo movement, Netflix appears to have gone completely tone-deaf on the realities of sexual exploitation,” said Dawn Hawkins, executive director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. “Despite the outcry from survivors of sex trafficking, subject matter experts, and social service providers, Netflix promotes sex trafficking by insisting on streaming Baby. Clearly, Netflix is prioritizing profits over victims of abuse.”

In January, the Center along with a group of “survivors of sex trafficking and/or subject matter experts” sent a letter to Netflix executives expressing their “deep concern” regarding the Italian drama.

Why is the lack of morals always promoted as a “search for identity and independence”? They make it sound so desirable. I can just see a bunch of impressionable teenage girls watching a show like this and then think it’s cool to be a thot. I got news for them: Promiscuity ruins a girls life. Studies have shown that the younger a girl starts having sex, and the number of men she screws, the less likelihood she will get married. Or, if she does get married, she won’t stay married. Numerous sex partners ruins a woman’s chance of bonding with a man. Maybe that’s what the social engineers of our society want. A lot of lonely unmarried women regretting their lives.

The entertainment industry has always been the perfect place to mold our culture.


The other day I wanted to post a film review on Netflix but I was blocked. The explanation was that Netflix would no longer allow the public to post reviews on their website due to a lack of interest. The actual wording was:

“You can no longer post reviews on Netflix.

Netflix customers were able to leave reviews on until mid-2018, when reviews were removed due to declining use.

To learn how Netflix suggests TV shows and movies we think you’ll love, visit our Ratings & Recommendations article.”

This is nonsense. The truth is many of the reviews were getting hostile towards the “social justice warrior” and “political correct” content that are in most films and TV shows. I’ve read many of these pissed-off reviews and I posted a few myself.

But that’s a no-no. You have to love the progressive, liberal narrative or you’re goin’ to be censored.

I did a Google search to see if I can find any news on why Netflix removed their review section. My guess was right: Negative reviews = “trolls.”

The use of “review bombing” by trolls in search of new battlefields for their cultural warfare is also a problem. That’s what happened to comedian Amy Schumer’s Netflix special last year — just before the company switched from stars to a simpler thumb up/down system — while recent releases like The Last Jedi show similarly suspicious trends.

Earlier this year, Rotten Tomatoes censored all audience reviews for the film “Black Panther.”

“Now, targeting another Disney film with a notably diverse cast, the group launched the Facebook event “Give Black Panther A Rotten Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes,” which drew only a few thousand members. But then the review-aggregation site, perhaps trying to get ahead of criticism this time around, issued a statement, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

We at Rotten Tomatoes are proud to have become a platform for passionate fans to debate and discuss entertainment and we take that responsibility seriously,” the site said Thursday in a statement. “While we respect our fans’ diverse opinions, we do not condone hate speech.  Our team of security, network and social experts          continue to closely monitor our platforms and any users who engage in such activities will be blocked from our site and their comments      removed as quickly as possible.”

The Facebook group has since been deactivated.

“Last Jedi” garnered a 91 percent “fresh” rating among professional critics but only a 48 percent audience score— an unprecedented disparity for Star Wars films. It’s impossible to know whether the purported attack had an effect. Writer-director Rian Johnson’s “Jedi” did endure critiques about plotting, character arcs and perceived deviations from franchise tradition.

Professional critics don’t know everything, or even have particularly good taste. The old saying the customer is always right is still true. Movie goers don’t have to like what the critics like. I’m not a Star Wars fan, and the “Last Jedi” did suck, and I didn’t see “Black Panther.”

In May 2018, Netflix hired Barak Obama and his wife, Michele, to produce content for Netflix’s streaming service. Obama claims he doesn’t intend to fight against conservatives, but pursue ideas he pushed during his administration. In other words, his own bias, and leftist agenda. Netflix’s conservative customers weren’t happy. Many protested and cancelled their subscription.

“More political crap from Netflix,”
[another] Twitter user wrote. “Many will cancel their subscriptions. Hope it was worth it.”

I’m sure Netflix couldn’t care less.

Hollywood and the Media have always been used as a tool for social engineering. And they are willing to put their SJW-agenda over profits. Hollywood doesn’t care they’ve ruined your favorite childhood film or comic book character. They’re on a mission to control and manipulate your mind, and if you don’t like it, tough titties.

An Evening with Jonathan Gray

One of my favorite interviews from 7 years ago. It’s worth another listen:

My guest tonight is archeologist JONATHAN GRAY. Jonathan is an international explorer, archaeologist and author, who has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world.

It’s Crazy Out There

PC madness!…

Chicago police officer says she feared using gun while being beaten

CHICAGO — A Chicago police officer who is hospitalized after she was severely beaten said she was afraid to use her gun because of the scrutiny she would have faced, Supt. Eddie Johnson said….LINK

Assaults on NYPD officers are ‘up significantly’

While major crime continues to drop in the city, there is one group of victims that has been increasingly targeted for assault — police officers, authorities revealed Monday… LINK